You might know me from CUII-Liste, a project that publishes a secret list of domains blocked by German ISPs and exposed wrongful blocking of domains.
If you're curious to find out more, there's English articles from TorrentFreak (1)(2), or German ones from Heise (1 [en])(2 [en]) and Netzpolitik (1)(2)(3). There's more articles from Golem, Tarnkappe.info, winfuture and others, but I can't list them all here.
You may have also heard of ServerSeeker, which scanned the entire IPv4 address space for Minecraft servers. When I sold it, the discord server had more than 14k members and the bot was in over 9k discord guilds.
Development discord server for my projects: https://discord.gg/m6J93JRJ
I love programming in Python, Java, JavaScript and Rust.
(Ok, that JavaScript part was a lie, this website is made entirely without JS.
And yes, my discord and spotify status do update dynamically without JS)
You can find all my socials below!
I will probably respond the fastest on Discord.
You can find my PGP key just below this section.